I first met Murray five months ago at the Beer Store in Downtown Oshawa. We reconnected the other day in the same area. He was my first subject for this project so he holds a special place in my heart.
He has been experiencing homelessness for over 10 years. He has lived in many public parks, and explained to me how difficult that can be. He stated that many public bathrooms are closed off and aren’t accessible to him. Many government owned buildings refuse to let him use their bathrooms. He expressed his frustration in finding a place that will allow him to use the bathroom. This saddens me.
From getting to know Murray, he’s very friendly, loves a good conversation. He’s a funny character. He knows how to make you smile and laugh. He’s had a rough go, but continues life with a positive mindset. One of his worst experiences living on the streets was watching his friend overdose in his arms and not being able to do anything to stop it.
He is an alcoholic and expresses that everyone in life has an addiction whether it be “chocolate, cheese… anything”.
When reconnecting with me, he asked if he could give me a hug. I gave him a big hug. He’s a strong guy, but has a heart of gold if you get to really know him. When capturing the photo with his beautiful smile, he stated “If you can keep me laughing, you can get a photo of me smiling.”
Before we parted ways, this time I asked if I could give him a hug. He responded with “hugs are always free”. He then proceeded to tell me that if I’m ever downtown and in trouble or need help, to ask for Murray and he’ll be there as soon as he can.
Soon enough I’ll be back, chatting and laughing with him again.